Sunday, January 13, 2008

Christmas Break

So I have been on Christmas break for three weeks now, one week left before school starts. It has been unbelievable! I love to sleep. I forget what it feels like to not be so rushed and unknowingly stressed with school, cheerleading, working, coaching, obligations (that I love to be involved with), I don't mean to complain because I chose my own schedule, and I do actually prefer to be busy.. but a break is always nice :) After Christmas I went to Faithwalkers, a conference that the Great Commission movement puts on and it was amazing. I went last year too and learned so much, this year I went and learned wonderful things too. It's nice to get away from home and school to a place I've never been so I can fully give my heart over to teachings and the wisdom of others. So, I've decided that I'll just post some quotes or ideas and notes from Faithwalkers and various books I've read over the break. I'm turning out to be not so good of a blogger because I hardly ever post! I will try and change that :)

My prayer at the beginning of break was Psalm 51:12, "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me."

"Odds are, [you picked up a few bags this morning]. Somewhere between the first step on the floor and the last step out the door, you grabbed some luggage. You stepped over to the baggage carousel and loaded up. Don't remember doing so? That's because you did it without thinking. Don't remember seeing a baggage terminal? That's because the carousel is not the one in the airport, it's the one in the mind. And the bags we grab are not mad of leather; they are made of burdens. The suitcase of guilt. A sack of discontent. You drape a duffel bag of weariness on one shoulder and a hanging bag of grief on the other. Add on a backpack of doubt, an overnight back of loneliness, and a trunk of fear. No wonder you're so tired at the end of the day." Max Lucado, Traveling Light

Here are some random thoughts from Brent Knox on Humilty:
*Self-pity is pride in disguise. "I'm special by how messed up I am...."
*You have the ability to obey God in all circumstances
*No one even knew David existed- he was alone, tending to the sheep. It doesn't make a difference if you aren't noticed at all, are you willing to give up that desire? Be God-centered. The ONLY thing David had going for him was his heart for God.

"Humans want to save the things that they love." Steve Irwin

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Well, you can't just sit there." Larry Walters

"What you sew in your twenties you will reap in your forties..." Bill Young

"Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bells; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." CT Studd

*Most of our lives are determined by the little choices.

"It is not people that matter, it's YOU, YOU matter!" John Meyer

"Your purpose is to bring goodness into the world- to be where God would be and to do what God would be doing." John Meyer

*We are going to stand before God and give an account for our lives
- What we do will be measured by what God's purpose for us was
- You are going to see each day.. one more time (judgement day)
*"Do not be deceieved, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will also reap." Galatians 6:7-8

"Love isn't tested by strangers, it's tested by how we treat the people that we know the best- maybe they've hurt us or we know their weaknesses.. but it's tested by how we treat the ones we love the most."

"I want to be a part of somebody else's legacy."

"You stoop down to make me great." Psalm 18:39?

*Love involves sacrifice, doing what's best for someone else- often at the expense of what is best for you...
*You don't need to love mankind, you need to love all kinds of men

"This cannot be a team of common men. Common men go no where." Miracle

"Athiests are so angry at God- why? If you're an atheist God isn't real... What are you so angry about?" A.W. Tozer

"Christianity is the only belief system that is bold enough to say that people are broken." Jeromy Darling

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your encouragement, Leigha! I enjoy reading what you have to say. This is such a good way to share what you are learning and what the Lord is laying on your heart. Thanks for allowing the Lord to use you :)