Monday, March 3, 2008

“Until you rid yourselves of idols, God can use your message, but not your life.” Jon Crane

God will certainly use His gospel, the meaning of his Son in the lives of people whether we are really living it or not.. there's a verse in Isaiah that says something along the lines of, "His message never goes out without accomplishing it's purpose.." (I think Isaiah 55:11?)... but it's true, it doesn't matter as long as the message of the Christ is proclaimed... but if we want our lives to change the way people view the world and this God we serve... then we need to rid ourselves of the idols that prohibit us from a whole-hearted sprint after the Lord, and undivided devotion to how He wants to use us in the lives of other people. So, for the sake of the people you love, for the sake of those that don't know how to be saved from hell.. for the sake of them, because their eternity is characterized as this: "the smoke of their torment rises forever..." (Revelation 14:11)... let go of your idols.

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